Hi Roger,

I have a lanvin bag that i'd like to clean up without having to redye. based on the condition, it looks like it might need a full restoration but please let me know of your opinion. does it look like I can clean the bag without a touch up with dye? thx!

#1, front Name:  lanvinfront.jpg
Views: 604
Size:  67.1 KB

#2, back Name:  lanvinback.jpg
Views: 573
Size:  46.2 KB

#3, bottom Name:  lanvinbottom.jpg
Views: 597
Size:  27.3 KB

#4, dirty Name:  lanvin.jpg
Views: 599
Size:  148.3 KB

#5, dirty 2 Name:  lanvinfrontzoom.jpg
Views: 502
Size:  116.4 KB

#6, side Name:  lanvinside.jpg
Views: 500
Size:  27.1 KB