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View Full Version : Aniline (Full) - Gum on seat cushion - 'Neal'

05-11-2015, 01:15 PM
We need to remove this gum, So far I can scrape most of off with my fingernail but there will be a slight film left. What do think would be the best way to remove it?

5-11A you can see the gum near the back.

5-11B Close-up, we can scrape more off with fingernail, but some film will remain.

Roger Koh
05-12-2015, 06:13 PM
Use this holistic system to remove the gum stains.

Leather DoctorŽ Kit-A3.gs, aniline leather gum stain remover kit is designed to remove gum related and other sticky substances. Leather Eraser-4, a foam rubber sponge eraser is used in conjunction with the penetrating, lubricating and suspending power of the Prep-4.4. Sticky residue is cleaned and rinsed with Clean-3.8 and follows with Rinse-3.0. When leather is wet and dry again, it tends to be stiffer. Hydrator-3.3 relaxes stiff leathers and reduces surface tension prior to fat and oil replenishing for an even appearance. Fatliquor-5.0 rejuvenates leather for suppleness when dry. Protector-B+ enhances a non-stick rub-resistant protection with a buttery-feel that shield against sticky soiling. Note that the mentioned products suffix numbers denotes its pH value for a safer gum related stain removing process to pH sensitive leather.


Gum Stain Removal
1. Apply Prep-4.4 and let dwell 10 to 30 minutes prior to traction agitation with leather Eraser-4.
2. Towel extracts suspended soiling until it shows clean.
3. Sticky residue is clean and rinse with Clean-3.8 follows by Rinse-3.0 and towel extracts until it shows clean.
4. Leave the leather to dry for an inspection.

When leather finishes is non-absorbent Prep-7.7 may be used instead.

Roger Koh
Leather Care Consultant / Practitioner / Instructor