About three weeks ago I was given a 70s era Swaine Adeney Brigg Attache case from a friend. He got it from his late father and never used it. before giving it to me he got it out of the garage after about 5 years of exposure to Texas's humid weather and crushing pressure from other stuff he had piled atop of it. the result: it was gray, stained, the brass fittings were dark and oily, and the leather was bent at a number of spots and the whole front and back leather was generally loose- compared to the tight and well extended leather found on most briefcases.

i've so far gotten a new handle built, and cleaned it, applied hide rejuvenator and black shoe polish- many times over the course of several weeks. it looks much better. However, the leather is still "loose." I tried Ironing it, which some people recommended, but so far i have not seen any improvement.