Hello Roger,

Thanks for the latest answers & clarifications. I have also seen post #4 in

...and realize what Razor 60 is! - a round blade !! ...Ignorant that I am, I thought Razor-60 was a medium to strong solution to 'strip/wash off' a topcoat, but on your post its clear this is not unlike stripping antique furniture ...a few inches at a time ...right down to the raw/bare leather foundation.

In any event, I am reconsidering the need/benefits of a total restoration as the labor hours, materials to clean/degrease, strip, hydrate, dye, topcoat, airbrush, etc, etc; plus some of the risks (...new at this) all lead me to look for a less extensive repair of the damage.

Don't get me wrong, from what I have seen here that others have done (on LCRF.com with the LD system), I can appreciate this set could be like new (as it was some 9 years ago), but unfortunately I don't see a business case for a total restoration.

I will no doubt look into and revisit a less extensive solution for the damages (deal with the body oil stains, the dried out foundation and surface wear of the seats), but for now I will defer on much more, as the business case is not there.

My sincere thanks for your patient advice, insights and support. You've got a superior process, excellent support and a full line of products to pull it all together.

All the best to you and the team of LD users/LCRF posters, ...André.